Thursday, April 3, 2008

Episode 313: Home But Not Alone

WE'RE BACK!!!!!!!!

Hi Ghosties,

Well we are back from the strike and this week is our brand new episode. So many people loved Delia's son Ned, that we wanted to use him again for a main story. He is getting older and girls are finding him! In this episode it seems he gets more than just a girlfriend following him. It seems that she has a ghost attached to her, but who is it?? Notice the strange things ghosts will do to let us know that they are around us. Cold breezes, electrical charges, and even items materialize. The episode is fun and different and as you watch it, remember the theme of LOVE and how it never dies! Enjoy!

1 comment:

Jo Curl said...

Hi James,
Can you help me?
I was told I am 'a Beacon' but what does it mean? i've tried looking it up but I haven't yet found the answer, please help?
Kind Regards,