Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Episode 309: All Ghosts Lead To Grandview

Hi Ghost Whisperers!!

So exciting to be with you. Hey, please check out this week's show. It is about a situation I am asked about quite a bit. Am I able to recognize when someone else has a "psychic" gift? The answer is "YES." I will often see an aura around everyone. Most of the time the colors are a light blue or green, yellow or red. When I see someone who has a violet color in their aura, I know they have the sensitivity and ability to see spirits. Next time you see someone walk toward you...squint your eyes and see if you can sense their colors! Watch Friday's show when two share the same gift of sight.....


1 comment:

yasmin said...

Dear James

I'm not sure where we are at in the UK but I think we are only getting the 2nd series (repeats).

A person I know of had her very 1st intuitive experience - it blew her away. & no she's not a psychic or medium or anything like that. But she is a healer & has been for over 20 years so I can only logically assume that there was purpose in it. She was in a lot of pain & a spirit on the other side was helping her by just being there for her & saying she should use music........When I was told all this it just blew me away.

You will find me in myspace & on your website msg boards.

I look forward to the 3rd series - if we get it in the UK

peace be with you
in memory of Charlie Rocket