Thursday, April 17, 2008

Episode 311: Slam

This week's episode is all about the world of the "high school." Wow, talk about a world all its own. It is such an age of forming our characters...very important time. Unfortunately, many people are ostracized for not fitting into the "cool" group. I say, don't fit in and stick out, be yourself. Each one of us is a unique individual with gifts of our very own. No one knows you better than yourself. Spirits are always watching us and are especially around us during this formative time. Tune into Friday's episode where Melinda navigates not only the kids in the high school hallway...but the ghosts as well.

Peace, James

1 comment:

Tuesday said...

Hi James, way back Maryann came to visit me before beyond was on the air, her & I sat in my kitchen with 13 earth bounds spirits, One male stands out the most, He had hung himself, as he discribes where when , where he was buried, where his parents live, there telephone number, and the message he wanted me to give to his father. He drove me crazy for three years, banging on the closets, shaking my bed, pulling on my clothes, after Maryann left, it took me 3 days to finally get up enough nerve to try the number this spirit gave us, Indeed it was his parents number, I hang up three times before finally I said hello and started crying, I thoguht they would think I was crazy instead they embrace me invited me over I sat talking with this spirits family for four hours. I finally wrote the whole story down, I know 100 % this would be an excellent story for Whisper, I heard you were Mentoring Jack Rourke some, isn't he gorgous... We are good friends, My son still has the bike you gave him on Beyond, ( yep this is me ) there is so much more to the story, Email me !!

The Best
Tuesday Miles