Thursday, November 15, 2007

ARCHIVE 8/06- 5/07

05/08/07 12:08 am Pacific Time

"The Spirit World is getting stronger," said Melinda on last week's show. How true. How true. Many of you have asked me what this means? Well, the demarcation between the third or (physical) dimension and the fourth dimension (spirit) appears closer when we on this level seem to be more influenced by spirit dimensions. Can this be true?

Personally, I do think that energetically the rate of vibration, which the earth world moves in, has actually sped up over the past several years. Does it seem that way to you? Just look around you. Do things appear to happen more quickly than before? Does time seem to pass faster than before? This might also explain why there is a greater interest in all things spiritual now than ever before...Just a thought.

So, yes the spirit world is closer when you close your eyes. Take a deep breath and begin to feel the energy around you. It might be more than the wind blowing by you! Tune in this Friday for an incredible finale.

Peace Always,


05/04/07 12:29 am Pacific Time

Are you ready for the season finales? Exciting. You must tune in. In this week's episode, "The Prophet," we discuss children who are "sensitives." What does this mean? Have you ever heard of the "Indigo Children"?

Well, these are spirits who are quite advanced and come back on this planet at this moment in time to help bring awareness and light. They are highly spiritual beings who have an empathic connection with people. They are also usually quite good at reading others thoughts and have a keen sense of telepathy. Physically, they usually have deep set and colorful eyes. Many Indigoes feel they have a deeper, higher purpose and are always in search of the meaning of life. Indigoes have been on the planet for over 25 years. Look around and see how many of them you can recognize. This week's episode features them.

Peace Always,


04/27/07 12:22 am Pacific Time

This week's episode is called "The Collector." It revolves around a man who comes into Grandview and seems to have a similar ability as Melinda. One of the producers asked me if I ever met another medium who does what I do. I have met several mediums from all over the world. Many of them are listed on my web site.

I remember one particular time in the early '90s when I was performing a demonstration of spirit communication with another medium named John Edward. We both went to a man at the back of the room and we "tag teamed" messages for him. I remember it was something about him having a distinct interest in the Civil War. John and I almost finished each other's messages and it ended up that this man had lived in the Civil War and died as a Southern soldier.

There are many kinds of mediums out there. There are "physical" mediums who take on physical characteristics and can even sound like the deceased. And then there are "mental" mediums who can see, hear and feel spirits.

Tune into this week's episode and see mediums coming together and communing with ghosts...It's a show to die for. Sorry, bad pun.



04/04/07 1:22 am Pacific Time

Hi Friends! Some exciting news on the Whisperer now have brand new webisodes from your friends here at GW, entitled GHOST WHISPERER: THE OTHER SIDE. There are several webisodes and the lead named "Zach" will actually be seen on our regular show as a dead boy. You should see him. I predict he will be a star one day.

Also, please check out the episode this Friday. It is one of the best of the season thus far. Delia discovers that Melinda can see dead people. A lot of us always wondered how Delia would behave if she found out. Well, have a look. Her reaction won't be what you think.

See you Friday...
Peace, James

03/29/07 9:55 am Pacific Time

Wow! Hey friends, we have some exciting news. This Friday we have the pleasure of having Cesar Millan (The Dog Whisperer) on our show. I met up with him on the set and it was a thrill.

We had a long discussion and I told him how much of a fan I am of his show and asked him a burning question I have had on my mind for a long time: "Do you think you are 'psychic'?" He said: "No, not really."

I then asked him how he is able to communicate with dogs. He said it was a sense of knowing them and their language. I went on to tell him that this is indeed being psychic. Being psychic is intuiting energy and being able to read it. He is quite capable and demonstrates it daily on his show.

This is a wonderful episode complete with our beloved Homer returning. What happens when a ghost dog attaches itself to a living dog? Find out on Friday.

Peace, James

03/09/07 1:22 am Pacific Time

This week's episode is entitled "The Ghost Within" and it deals with autism. It is true that once you pass out of the vibration of the physical world you no longer have physical or mental maladies, the soul is perfect. But in our show it is more like the "earthly memory" of how the personality behaved. It is quite an interesting transition. Notice how the ghost completely changes at the end.

Wishing you peace and happy days ahead.

03/02/07 9:55 am Pacific Time

Ghostly Visions - Tonight's episode also deals with children being able to see spirits. This is actually quite common. Many children will tell their parents that they have "imaginary" playmates, when many times they are actually seeing spirits. Children are very open to the spirit side of life because their minds have yet to be polluted by society's fear and limitations. Something to think about next time you hear a child say: "I have a playmate, but you can't see him." Join us tonight!

03/01/07 1:32 am Pacific Time

This week's episode is "Drowned Lives." It deals with the untimely death of a sister and those left behind who suffer from guilt. Guilt is one of the major emotions one often feels when a death occurs in a family. The "what ifs" and "I could haves" plague family members.

The reality is that things occur, in this case, a death where there was really nothing the brother could have done. From a spiritual point of view, this death might have occurred exactly the way it was meant to. In other words, the family might have all realized they would have to go through the experience when they were in spirit before they came back this time around.

All experiences on this earth are for our soul's growth, even though we may not realize it at the time. One should realize that grief is a process. But beating yourself up over another's death is counterproductive to your spiritual growth and that of the loved one who has moved on.


02/22/07 4:37 pm Pacific Time

Hi Everybody,
Thanks so much for all the great feedback about the séance last week. It is because of you that we do it. It is our way of saying "Thank you!" for keeping our show at number one on Fridays. Your feedback assists us to strive and satisfy what our viewers want to see and experience.

This week's show will be a bit of a rollercoaster ride between the living world and the "not necessarily" dead world. The show takes a bit of a comedic tone in its portrayal of the idea of "walk-ins."

This is a hard concept to grasp, but bear with me. A walk-in is a spirit who decides to leave the body before it's time and goes back to the spirit world. Supposedly, there are those "souls" who are waiting for just such a scenario so they can come into the physical vessel and "finish-up" the former soul's mission in a way.

Do I believe in this? Yes....I guess. I am a bit skeptical, but why wouldn't it be possible? Has a spirit ever come back and discussed this through me? No, but I am not sure we would totally get the idea on this physical level of understanding. So, whether you believe in it or not, check out the show on Friday and see what you think. Also, let us know....I am curious to hear your reactions.


02/08/07 11:01 pm Pacific Time

Greetings Friends,
I am very proud of this week's episode featuring hip hop legend Mary J. Blige. It was an absolute honor to meet her and we had such a wonderful discussion about spirituality.

One of the things that inspired me most about Mary J. is her use of love and her appreciation of energy. It's such a good lesson to us all to use "Love" in our everyday lives!

Be sure to watch her new video, which is titled "Show Love." Mary J. will be playing the character Jackie Boyd, the coach of a high-school ranked cheerleading squad whose members are being disabled, one by one, in freak accidents. Be sure to watch how it all unfolds.


02/02/07 6:01 pm Pacific Time

Hi Everyone,
This week's episode is called "Speed Demon," an interesting look at who and what influences us in our decisions in life. What is it that makes people have a strong and sometimes irrational desire to do something out of the ordinary? Is it something that they feel is unsettled in their being that they have to accomplish? It could be.

But, there have also been many situations that I have run into where a person behaves in a peculiar manner because they are being influenced by spirits that are attached to them. Now, this doesn't always have to be negative. Many times, we have spirits around us who are like our guides that influence us in positive ways.

The way you can tell is this: If you think that a friend or someone you know is acting in a strange way, close your eyes and listen with your heart to feel the energy around them and see if instead of one energy coming back at you, you get two distinct ones....It works.

Always protect yourself with love, the strongest force in the Universe.


1/19/07 2:32 pm Pacific Time

Lately, a lot of people have been emailing me regarding the look of our ghosts and wondering if they look so horrible when you die. The answer is NO.

I have discussed this before in my blog. When someone dies they are in the "spirit body," which is a replica of the physical body, but is normal and pure with no physical handicaps or problems. The way the "ghost" aspects come in is because sometimes when someone dies they might be out of their body so quickly, they are not sure what happened. Many times they can relive the death condition. It might seem very real to them, but it is purely a memory.

We show the way they died to make it more dramatic and entertaining for the viewer. But, do not worry...our won't find around the corner.


1/5/07 6:26 pm Pacific Time

This week's episode is a moving and emotional story about a man who is trapped inside his body. He is in a coma. Throughout our story, the spirit of the man is trying to give Melinda clues that he is aware of feeling trapped inside his body.

Do spirits feel this? They certainly can, but not every time. I remember once when a client came through (a spirit after death) and kept on giving me a sense of being trapped. I related this to the person receiving the message and asked them where the remains were kept. They said, "Oh, in a box on the TV." I told them that the spirit feels attached to the leftover physicality of the body and wants his ashes spread out. They told me that he had mentioned that request when he was alive, but they ignored it. Soon after our meeting, they followed through with his request. A spirit does not cease when the physical body does; it just communicates in a different manner.


12/22/06 2:49 pm Pacific Time

Happy Holidays Everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and take some time out to breathe and spread some love.

This week's show is about twins: one dead, the other alive. Interesting how the living one is still connected to her deceased sister. This is very true in real life; I have come across it many times. There is a certain energy that the sisters share. You have heard of "Soul Sister"? This is exactly what I am referring to. Watch and see how interestingly telepathic they are.

Peace to you and yours,

12/15/06 11:23 pm Pacific Time

This week's episode is entitled "Cat's Claw." Yes, the name of the herb. It's funny that when Jim Kauf was writing this one, I was hanging with him in his office discussing the medicinal uses of herbs and various kinds of vegetation. Do you know that almost every single aliment on this planet has a natural remedy available?

I relate to this upcoming episode, because I was once in Brazil leading a tour group to various spiritual sites, and I was invited to a ceremony in which they drink ayahuasca tea. Never having heard of it, I thought I would try it. It is used in the religion Santo Daime. It is used to bring the people closer to the spirit world. There are visions of spirits and of other dimensions.

At first, I was quite freaked because it was nothing I was used to. But after eight hours, it was a remarkable and life-altering experience. You can never look at yourself or the world around you in the same way.

So join us this Friday and come into the mystical world of the jungles.

Peace, James

11/24/06 10:55 pm Pacific Time

When people find out about my abilities, there will always be one joker who says, "Can you give me the lottery numbers?" My response: "If I could get lottery numbers, you think I would be standing here speaking with you right now?" They laugh. I never used my abilities in sporting or gambling events, but once when my brother asked me if I could place various horses in a race, I actually told him what I thought the outcome would be. I should have put money down, because the four horses came in exactly as I told him they would. My work is really about communication, and that is it. Even though I have a keen sense of intuition, I use it for more constructive things. Speaking of sporting events, this week's show is about a baseball player who has more on his mind than just the game. It is the first time that we really delve into possession. Check it out. It's fun!

Peace, James

11/17/06 11:49 pm Pacific Time

Tonight's show is about a curse. Many people ask me what a curse is and if it is indeed a reality. My answer is a resounding "Yes!" A curse is a thought, a creation of energy with an intention behind it. The intention is of a lower level, usually of revenge or of blockage: keeping something from someone or creating something that will happen to someone. A curse can become magnified as more people give it energy. For instance, we often hear in folklore about the existence of various curses: the more you believe it, the more you give it life. But remember, when one places a curse on someone or something, no good can come from it, because there is a universal law that what goes around comes around. So be careful of your thoughts, because what you give out to other people, you too will experience.

Peace, James

11/10/06 6:05 am Pacific Time

This week's episode is all about holding grudges. From my experience dealing with the spiritual realms, this is probably one of humankind's biggest problems. Usually out of insecurity and fear, one tends not to forgive or hold a grudge, not realizing that the energy they are holding on to will actually be realized in their own lives. What you give out, you get back. This is a universal constant. If not dealt with, this energy of non-forgiveness may even affect someone close to you. Remember, we may not always understand people's motives, but love is the strongest healing force there is, and the first step to love is to forgive.

Peace, James

11/3/06 5:40 pm Pacific Time

Tonight's episode is an exciting one!! What happens when the body of someone is found in a car in the middle of the forest? Many people have asked me if the spirit remains with the body until it is found. Based on many kidnapping cases I used to work on, I have found, that the spirit will many times try to impress the living to their physical remains. I have also known cases where a spirit will go to a medium and tell them that their body has been taken and where it can be found. Interesting, huh? Enjoy our show!

Peace, James

10/27/06 5:40 pm Pacific Time

Tonight's episode is our Halloween show, and it is a fun one! We had to film it during the time Jennifer Love was doing publicity in New York, so the writers came up with this great idea. Jim is being haunted by a beautiful model who has had one too many "procedures." I think it really demonstrates how we should emphasize more of what lies within us than what is on the outside. Enjoy the great performances, and have a GREAT Halloween! BTW, check my website, VAN PRAAGH.COM, for a Halloween surprise!

Peace, James

10/20/06 12:56 pm Pacific Time

Hi, everyone! Hey, tonight we have a special show. Not only is it our Halloween show, but it guest stars someone I used to know when I was in college. To earn my way through college, I used to pull ropes at the Royale Theatre in New York. I worked on the show Grease and met a wonderful actor named David Paymer. We had not seen each other in over twenty years, and the first time I saw him on the GHOST WHISPERER set, I thought, "That can't be David. What happened to his face?" Then it dawned on me: Duh! He is a ghost in makeup. Frightful makeup it is, too! Watch tonight, because it covers something we have all thought about: what if you were buried in the wrong grave?

Peace, James

10/13/06 9:35 pm Pacific Time

It's that time again: Friday the 13th. Many people ask me the significance, if any, from a "spiritual perspective." From all of my work, it is totally a "physical world" belief system. That being said, whatever you create with your thoughts in the physical realm can manifest in the "ethers," as it were. The saying "you are what you think" is very true. So if you give life to this old superstition dating back to English- and Portuguese-speaking cultures and you believe in this day giving you bad luck, then you just might find you have it. Careful what you wish for! Oh, gee, a black cat just crossed before me. Now I have to stay in all day! Only kidding.

Don't forget to finish off your Friday the 13th by getting in the mood of fright and fun. Watch tonight's episode. We promise to scare the *&%* out of you!

Peace, James

10/05/06 7:05 pm Pacific Time

Hi Folks,

This week's episode hits on a topic very close to my heart. In broad strokes, the story concerns the loss of a child. I have worked for years with an organization called Compassionate Friends. They specialize in assisting parents who have lost children and siblings who also are deceased. One of the most difficult experiences on this earth is the loss of a child. But even though it does not get easier, try and look at the bigger picture. We are all souls here to learn at different times and different ways. One soul might need an experience of 70 or 80 years, whereas some might need just 10 or 18 years. Remember, this is our school room. A soul can never be harmed, and when children pass, they are always met by someone. But then again, none of us ever dies alone. Enjoy our heart-tugging, mysterious show this Friday.

Peace, James

09/29/06 3:05 pm Pacific Time

Hi Folks,

The episode this Friday is an interesting one because it deals with first loves. Melinda's first boyfriend seeks her out. How many of us have ever wondered what happened to our first love? I once tried calling my very first girlfriend, the one I had when I was 18 years old. Unfortunately, I could not find her, but to this day I still wonder what happened to her.

When I have done messages for people who have lost their partners, they have often asked what happens if they remarry. When they die, do they end up with the old partner, or the new one? It really seems that the soul gravitates to whomever it has an affinity with. Each soul learns different aspects of being from the other soul. The most important part to remember is always to go with your heart, and you will never go wrong.


09/22/06 10:58 pm Pacific Time

Hi Folks,

IT IS THAT TIME! The premiere of the second season of GHOST WHISPERER! Don't forget to tune in at 8 /7c only on CBS. Find out what happened to Andrea and also try and see the unique messages that are imparted in the show. It is and have someone next to you holding those tissues!


09/21/06 2:48 pm Pacific Time

Hi Folks,

Friday night is "Fright Night." Be sure to tune into our season premiere at 8pm on CBS. See what happens to Andrea's fate following the tragic plane crash in the season finale. The spirit world is definitely getting stronger this season. Check out the fun link below:

www.Ghost Whisperer on CBS/primetime/ghost_whisperer/cemetery.html

Peace and Love,


09/12/06 9:35 am Pacific Time

Okay, now for my trip to Wales. After leaving Ireland, my sister and I visited Wales. Several second cousins from my father's side of the family live there. We arrived at Cardiff airport and as we were walking toward the luggage carousel, my sister asked me if I thought our deceased father would be around, considering this is "his" family. I told her, “Maybe. We shall see.” No longer did we get to the carousel, when my sister turned to me and gasped. She pointed to an "EXIT" sign posted at the end of the room. Our father's name "ALLAN" was on the sign, right next to "EXIT." I flipped out and could not believe it. Once we met our cousin, we asked what the significance of it was and she said that the word Allan is Welsh for exit. Interesting...

Later in the week, we went to visit a chapel from the late 1700s where our grandmother had gone as a child. We got out of the car and looked at it. Right next to it stood an even older cemetery. It was truly amazing. But what was even more strange was a sign that hung on the back of a house overlooking the cemetery. It looked like a pretty new sign and it spelled out "JAMES." Okay, so I was kind of creeped out and, for me, that says a lot. Tune in later on for some more. I will keep on...sharing it with you.

09/6/06 1:25 am Pacific Time


More on my European trip. My niece and her husband put all of us up at a wonderful manor in Limerick, Ireland a couple of days before their Irish wedding blessing. The manor itself sits on a property of over 200 acres and is home to one of the nicest and well known golf courses in the world. This is interesting information if you are into golf, but for me it meant nothing. What I was interested in was the "creepiness" of the castle itself. It was built in the 17th century. One look at it and you knew it was home to more than just the living. As my sister and I were walking down a basement hallway toward our rooms, we both stopped mid-way in the hall, turned to each other and asked, "Did you feel that?" She said," Yes," and at the exact moment we knew we were being followed by a ghost. The hairs on our neck stood at full attention and there was a blast of coldness running right through us. I instantly saw out of the corner of my eye an older woman with white hair wearing a Victorian style blue dress dodging around the corner. The weird thing was that my sister, who is not a medium, saw the exact same apparition!

That seemed to be the ONLY place that felt as though it had a lot of spirit activity. Now for the clincher. Later that day, when walking by the front door, I overheard the concierge saying to a group of people that from time to time the staff notes that a ghost they refer to as the "lady in blue" appears down the lower hallway! Once again my jaw dropped. I can honestly say that my work seems to follow me everywhere.

Wait to you hear the next story, when my sister and I visited relatives in Wales a few days later. Spooky!

09/4/06 9:49 am Pacific Time

I think it is always so funny that when kids go back to school one of the first things the teacher asks them is, “What did you do over your summer vacation?” Well, be that as it may, I thought I would share with you some of my "spooky" experiences, since they seem appropriate for our show. Bear with me and my family....

This August, my niece was getting married in New York and having an Irish blessing in Cork, Ireland. Since she was like my daughter, I wanted to be there for every single minute of it. Well, the wedding in New York was wonderful, purely picturesque. It would be the envy of any 26-year-old, complete with string quartet, a reception at a winery, incredible food and dancing. Now, for the interesting parts…or “haunting” parts as I like to refer to them. That Sunday evening, the bride and groom, myself and my sister and her husband were taking a car to JFK for the flight to Shannon airport. Along the Long Island Expressway, we got to speaking about Fr. Connolly, the priest who baptized my niece, Kelly. He was an old family friend and I was actually an altar boy to him when I was eight. My sister said she heard he is somewhere out on Long Island well retired and that he must be in his mid-eighties! Knowing it would never happen, I said: "Wouldn't it be great to see him again?" The rest of the trip was your usual security craziness, rushing to wait, etc.

Now, my deceased mother was extremely close to Fr. Connolly. I remember my niece asking me if I thought "grandma" would be at her wedding. I told her that knowing her grandmother she would show up in a big way and the next morning she did! It was seven a.m. and all of us were bleary-eyed from the Atlantic cross. My sister came running over to the baggage claim and grabbed me. "You have to come here," she screamed. I went over and standing at the center of the room was Fr. Connolly, all 80 some years of him. I freaked! “Wow, what are you doing here?” I asked. He had a friend visiting him, while "he" was on vacation in Ireland, and was at the airport to pick him up. Now, I ask you, what are the odds of that happening? MY mother was the instigator on that one for sure! Spirits are indeed a part of our everyday life...just look for the signs! I have more to share with you in the days ahead of more "spooky" weird stories, including a haunted castle I slept at in Ireland! Stay tuned! GWM (Ghost Whisperer Man) Out

08/28/06 10:49 am Pacific Time


Okay, so the most e-mails I ever received on my website VAN PRAAGH.COM was not after my first appearance on Larry King Live, it was after the season finale of GW. There were thousands of people emailing Ghost Whisperer on CBS and me. We chatted with people from all over the country wanting to know why Andrea was killed on the last show and if she was "really" dead? All I can say to that is that there is NO DEATH--whatever that means to you. Just know that Andrea shares such a strong bond with Melinda that I am sure she will be around somehow some way. And hey, isn't there always the possibility it was all just one big dream? One never knows. Anything is possible.

08/21/06 10:47 am Pacific Time


Welcome back to our next bigger and better Season Two of our beloved GHOST WHISPERER. We are all excited about creating new and thrilling stories for all of you to enjoy! During our hiatus we kept busy developing the show and thinking of new ghostly storylines. We already finished shooting our first two episodes and have introduced two great new characters--Dr. Payne and Melinda's her new friend Delia, but more on them later. I just wanted to welcome you all back.

Our website has a lot of exciting new features that we are developing, so be sure to keep coming back. There are some incredible things you will not want to miss!


Douglas Payne said...


Thank you so much for making this show a reality! Your work and Mary Ann's is inspiring; you two are truly gifted people and it is obvious to anyone paying attention that it is as educational as it is entertaining. Please keep up the good work.

Unknown said...

dear james, I have been trying to reach many people regarding a plant that my husband has. This plant was his sisters, who died in 1990. the plant still thrives today almost 18 years after her death. we sometimes forget to water the plant and it still looks good today. also, we have some personal items of my husbands sister(Karen), some of his family tell us to pick and choose what we want to send, and some are upset that i will not let them look in the box of Karen's things,because she has two children somewhere in Findland and I feel that her children are the only people who should open the box. Am i wrong to think that. Thanks, Kathy, Phoenix,Az Please responce

angie partin said...

I have a few questions, after the books i am definatley a believe in you. But i have a question, my best friend has been missing since 2005. She was only 24 and her creepy older boyfriend who never let her out of his sight has reported her missing. I am very worried that something terrible has happened to hr. I was wondering if you could take 2 minutes out of a 24 hour day to respond and help me and the family. We just want to know if she has past or if she is still out there and we are looking in the wrong spot. Please help us, heres my contact info.
or you can look at her myspace page, we set it up so people with info can contact the family there. Thank you
Angie Partin

boop said...

WE LOVE IT!!!!!!